Residential Electrical Maintenance

Whether you live in a traditional Kiwi villa or an inner-city apartment, looking after your home’s electrical system is crucial. Regular electrical maintenance will help your home to run more efficiently, reduce your power bills and optimise the performance of your appliances. Without regular maintenance your home’s electrical system will begin to degrade and eventually break down. Regular electrical inspections can identify minor faults and repair them before they become costly and dangerous.

Beyond Electrical are experts at planning, designing, and delivering all your electrical solutions. We’ll install your home’s wiring, switchboards, light fittings, and any large appliances, and will even organise a maintenance schedule to keep your electrical systems running effectively, efficiently and safely. Our installation includes preventative measures that help you avoid high electricity bills and costly repairs in the future.

Got a question or need a quote?

Our friendly team are always ready to answer your questions. Call us today on 0800 023 966 or fill in the form with your query. We'll get back to you as soon as possible to either book in your work, provide a quote, or answer your question.

Get in touch

If you need a quote on new work, have a question about ventilation, or you need the expert advice of a Master Electrician then call us on:
0800 023 966
or leave us a message below.

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