Why choose a Brink Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery System?

Are you building a new home that’s airtight with lots of insulation? Then you need a mechanical heat recovery ventilation system to ensure clean, fresh, warm air circulation.

Building regulations make it clear that some form of ventilation is required in modern more airtight homes. There are several options available.

Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery is one of the most energy efficient methods of ventilating a building.  It removes stale, moist, bad air from the building and providing fresh air for your home while at the same time recovering heat that would have been lost in the process.

Brink do things a little differently to other companies.

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Our friendly team are always ready to answer your questions. Call us today on 0800 023 966 or fill in the form with your query. We'll get back to you as soon as possible to either book in your work, provide a quote, or answer your question.

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If you need a quote on new work, have a question about ventilation, or you need the expert advice of a Master Electrician then call us on:
0800 023 966
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